For Chakra Affirmations

Graphology – Handwriting & Signature Analysis

What is Graphology?

Graphology is the analysis of the characteristics and patterns of handwriting, indicating the psychological state of the writer at the time of writing. It indicates certain aspects of the past, present; and, these patterns form the basis of the personality of the writer. The theory underlying graphology is that handwriting is an expression of personality; hence, a systematic analysis of the way words and letters are formed can reveal traits of personality.

What is Graphotherapy and how does it help?

Graphotherapy is the practice of changing a person’s handwriting with the goal of changing features of his or her personality. Desired changes help us achieve excellence in our career, relationships and overall positive changes in our life. Also helps in identifying health issues, if any, and take remedial actions.

Some of the areas that Graphology can help are


Evaluation of the candidates where is able to reveal strengths and weaknesses that may not show up in the interview. It’s helpful for HR Department while they are recruiting Candidates in different departments.Graphology can save time, money and effort in this area by seeing that the essential characteristics required for the job are present.In Europe many companies employ the services of a graphologist routinely. In France, Germany and Holland 80% of companies are thought to do so.

Personal Relationships

Is he the right one? Is she being honest about herself? Will I be happy with that person or will I struggle? Does he have jealousy tendencies? Does she have a violent temper? Sometimes differing attitudes, habits and approaches to life do not show up for weeks or months. By comparing two people’s handwriting we can tell whether they are likely to be compatible in a close relationship, whether this happens to be a casual, loving or working one. Graphology can help you to select right life partner as well as improve your marital life. Graphology gives strength in your any relationships and save you from a rollercoaster of unwanted emotions.

Business Relationships:

Useful in selecting / deciding about business partnerships, dealing with clients & vendors, business associates, deals, contracts, etc.


To solve criminal cases and suicidal attempts through their handwriting & signature analysis, we can see traits of suicidal tendencies,

To know our clients better, especially if we are in a role that impacts people’s lives and help them understand themselves better

Let's Write Right